Little Bug is Sarah Usary, an avid hiker and backpacker, who is working on section hiking all of the Appalachian Trail.
“A period recourse into the wilds is not a retreat into secret silent sanctums to escape a wicked world, it is to take breath amid effort to forge a better world.” -Benton MacKaye, who first presented his idea for “An Appalachian Trail” in 1921
Sarah grew up in the small town of Boonsboro, Maryland, where the lingering remnants of the Blue Ridge make their way north before ending in Pennsylvania. Spending time as a kid and teen hiking the Appalachian Trail as is follows the nearby ridge of South Mountain is where her desire to hike the whole dang thing began.
When she’s not off hiking all over Appalachia, Sarah resides in northern Virginia with her husband & hiking partner, Brian, also known as “Satchel” on the trail, her 50+ house plants, and ever growing collection of decorative mushrooms.
She also works as a freelance stage manager for theatre and a whole plethora of various other side gigs while trying to save up for the next big hike.